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Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates
Last updated: 11.00am 28th February
From Monday 28th February, the wearing of face coverings on public transport becomes advisory. It is recommended that customers continue to wear face coverings while travelling on board and for the duration of your journey.
As we welcome people back to public transport, the safety of our customers remains our priority:
The continued wearing of face-coverings on public transport is advised;
Transport operators continue daily cleaning regimes on their fleet;
Hand sanitiser is available for customers;
We ask that windows be left open on-board to improve ventilation;
TFI Leap Card and other cashless payments should be used where possible;
If you prefer to avoid large crowds consider travelling off-peak or on quieter services
Please continue to comply with signage onboard vehicles, and to leave windows open where possible. Be mindful of the more vulnerable customer whose need for a seat may be greater than yours. Taxis and hackneys continue to be widely available in all parts of the country and are a very convenient transport mode.
Please do not use public transport if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
*Find more about face coverings on public transport, including reasonable excuses considered for not being able to wear them, on our Face Covering on Public Transport page
For the most reliable, up-to-date information on face coverings, please visit HSE advice and face covering guidance.

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